The Westcoast Music Academy Pty Ltd (WCMA) has offered professional music tuition on the West Coast for the past 29 years. Our mission is to provide music tuition for all ages in an atmosphere of encouragement and excellence. WCMA proudly meets the requirements and regulations of the Department of Education for professional music tuition. Our teachers are highly qualified with a wealth of experience and have been carefully selected for their ability to work with and inspire students.
Westcoast Music Academy students regular achievements include –
- SA Youth Orchestra membership and SA Colours for Performing Arts.
- Featuring on the Roll of Honour as outstanding achievers at UNISA, Rockschool and Trinity College London and top 20 achievements.
- Receiving the shield for the most music category winners yielded at the Wes-Boland Eisteddfod yearly, for the past 20 years, winning 98 categories in 2023! In 2023, 34 students took part in the Western Cape Virtual Eisteddfod and and 45 students participated in the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod.
In 1996, Carina Brown started off as “Carinas Musici” at the local school, Hopefield High School (musici meaning musicians in Latin). There were not more than 20 music students initially, but numbers grew each year. In 2003, parents in the nearby town heard of the success of her students and the quality of her teaching, and have asked her to expand her teaching area.
She has then moved out to teach in Langebaan also, one day a week. In 2005, the first additional tutor was appointed, and in 2006, the second. As more staff members were appointed, the music school could not function under Carinas Musici anymore, and in 2008 the name changed to West Coast Music Academy.
Since 1996, the Academy has expanded rapidly and is currently operating at schools in 4 different towns, Hopefield. Vredenburg, Langebaan and Moorreesburg, with 16 staff members. What started off as a single tutor at a small school has grown into one of the biggest Private Music Academies in the West Coast, and also in South Africa.
Handpicked for high quality and professional tuition.

Our teachers are highly qualified with a wealth of experience and have been carefully selected for their ability to work with and inspire students.